Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Film Theories: Experience of co-writing

Experience of co-writing 

Film theories is a module that given an opportunity to experience co- writing essay. I have been in education for the rest in my life, but I never done or experience anything like co-writing essay before.  

When I first know that I must co-writing essay with someone in a pair I am so worry due to the reason that am not good at working with someone that I don’t know, and this work is the work that I am grading I even more worry, but for this module I was lucky enough to work with my friend that I know for a year so it like a relieve for me to work with him.  

The benefit of co-writing essay first thing is I don’t have to every research by myself, there is some who can help me. Seconded benefit is we can share an idea and discuss the best way of producing work. Third benefit is I don’t have to write a so much because we in pair we can share a good deal of writing, so I don’t have to write all 2000 words essay by myself.  

For co-writing essay there is not only the benefit that I see, in this module I also see the drawback of co-writing essay which is, if the person that you are paring with is lack of responsibility it will be a problem. For example, one of my friends she was pairing with a person who have lack of responsibility, so she ends up with writing 2000 words essay by herself, but I am so lucky because my co-writer is so reliable, and he is care about the work.  

One thing that have learned from co-writing essay is to choose the right person to work with if not you will end up in a bad situation. 

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