Monday, 29 April 2019

Documentary Production: Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis 
This short documentary is one of the most difficult tasks that we been given, due to many reasons. In order to produce this documentary, we have traveling around London and also to Brighton to filmed. In this documentary project most of the team members work so hard in order to produce the best documentary ever.

This documentary has using the materiality documentary mode in presenting the main character, because we believe that object always say something or mean something to the owner. For this character camera and anything that related to the camera is an object that very important and meaningful, this is why camera always appear in many scenes with the main character. For the main character camera is not only a tool, camera is a passion and friend that helping him to reaching his destination.

Another concept of this documentary is to break point of view in stereotype of the Eastern European in the perspective our audience who is Western European, because people often thinking that the Eastern European can only be a labour worker or something that not related to creativity. This documentary has breaking this stereotype and ideology, we want to make people realise that those people can be more than just a labour worker and use him as an inspirational character for other people.

In relation to the materiality this is why the documentary is beginning with introducing the main character together with his camera. The opening scene of this documentary has been designed very well, because it has included many elements and object that meaning something to the main character such a camera that he is holding in his hand and the location that shooting the opening scene also meaning something to the main character. 

The outcome of the documentary is very good in my opinion, but it still not the best. If the production team have more time or a chance to re-work on this documentary there is few things that could be improve. The improvement that the documentary should re-work on is the lighting and of the interview scene, in this particular scene the main character face is quite dark due to the camera is facing directly to the light. If the production team have a chance to go back in film this documentary against this should be fix. 

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