Saturday, 2 March 2019

Approach To Narrative: The Matrix

The Matrix, Wachowski Brothers
The Matrix is the film that plays with reality and human perception and exception of time and spaces, the reality in The Matrix is failed due to the human are not believe in the reality that been putting into their brain and force them to believe. The main element that made the Matrix become one of the most successful films is not only the fact that the Matrix playing with time and space and also human perception of reality, but another element that made The Matrix being success is due to the unique camera movies and the amount of visual effect that showing in the film.

As an audience and film students my opinion on the idea of reality that proposed by The Matrix? and How does the film express this visually? The opinion that I have on the reality that being proposed by The Matrix is very interesting, due to the time that The Matrix is out is in early 2000. The film that plays with reality and human perception of reality is not so many in the film market make The matrix stand out amount another film, and the idea of reality in The matrix is very interesting due to the fact that the film tries to express the idea that the reality that everyone faces in their every life might not be real. The Matrix has put this question into every audience mind and let them make a decision by them self, the way that film play with a human that not only the character by also the audience is very unique and interesting. In The Matrix visual is the key element that runs the film together with the narrative, both visual and narrative has shared the point of interest for the film. The visual that the film has used is very unique because in early 2000 The Matrix is the film that uses this kind of visual in filmmaking. For example in the scene that Neo ben down try not to tone hitting by a bullet is very unique and the action that plays with the element of time also unique.

The idea that machine project a simulation world for human to live in a utopia is very new at the begging of 2000, but if we look from a perspective of people who live in 2019 VR or visual projection is not a new thing for us any more, but the interesting point of the Matrix is the greater of the film they have the idea of visual projecting since that time, in the time that no one will believe in a simulation world that is very interesting.

The Matrix is a film contain many interesting elements within one film, The Matrix also plays with dream stage in order to show a relation between real and visual world. In The Matrix before Neo entering into The Matrix is similar to the time before wee filing to sleep and dreaming, Dream is a key symbol that the creator use to represent The Matrix and Neo world.

The Matrix is one of the best action Sic-Fi film of early 2000 not only because is played by a top star, but many elements that joining together and made it become one of the best films in the film industry.

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